Being your higher self
As we grow spiritually we connect more to our higher self. This connection will bring you a healthy body, loving friends, a supportive environment and an opportunity to make a difference in the world.
Spiritual growth is the single most important thing you can focus on if you want a joyful, peaceful, loving life. As we grow we will be able to see the bigger picture of our life. As you link with your higher will you will gain more awareness of the path of humanity's evolution and your part in it. You will discover your life's work and gain the tools to carry it out. Your life's work will make a meaningful contribution to people, or the earth itself. It will be something you love to do. You can do what you love all the time and work will be your play.
You will lift the veils of illusion and see the eyes through your higher self. You will link your throat with your higher self and express truth and love in all you say.
What many of you are looking for in another you will fiond first in your connection to your higher self. This connection will enable you to love and nuture yourself more and to connect with others in higher, more loving ways.
Enlightment is being very skilled at holding and radiating light. Being enlightened means that you have tools and resources to handle all the eneergies about you in such a way that you add clarity , harmony and light to evrything around you.